"Cancer had f***** my life up" woman with stage 4 breast cancer goes naked to show what the disease has done to her body
"Cancer had f***** my life up" woman with stage 4 breast cancer goes naked to show what the disease has done to her body

The woman went nude in the video and told of all she's been through, including having 4 hysterectomies, chemotherapy, radiation therapy and more.
She said: "I have stage 4 breast cancer. Not only have I had both of my breasts amputated, I have had four hysterectomies so I can't have any more kids. I'm done having kids because you know they took all my cervix and everything else out there."
She added: "I have had radiation therapy. I've had chemotherapy.... And I may be having chemo again."

"Now this is what happens to your body when your breasts get amputated. I had nice-sized boobs. It just so happens I don't have them anymore, so a lot of it is focused on my midsection 'cos I don't have any boobs," she said.

She added: "Cancer has fucked my life up."